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Sample : Projectile Motion
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한국기준 일 23:59 – 월 00:30 – 조규연 T (2/10 휴강, 2/17 추가보강)
1:1 Q&A
1 Topic
조규연T – 1:1 Q&A
Physics 맞춤형 Question Bank
A. Space, time and motion
A.1 Kinematics
7 Topics
A1.1 Motion (1) definition
A1.2 Motion (2) Acceleration
A.1.3 Graphical representation of motion
A.1.4 Unifromly accelerated motion (1) Equation
A.1.5 Uniformly accelerated motion (2) Free Fall
A.1.6 Projectile motion
A.1.7 Fluid resistnace
A.2 Forces and momentum
9 Topics
A.2.1 Forces & Newton’s Laws of Motions
A.2.2 Free body diagram & Equilibrium
A.2.3 Type of forces (1)
A.2.4 Type of forces (2)
A.2.5 Momentum & Impulse
A.2.6 Conservation of momentum
A.2.8 Circular motion (1) Definition
A.2.9 Circular motion (2) Centripetal force
A.2.10 Circular motion (3) Vertical plane
A.3 Work, energy and power
5 Topics
A.3.1 Work and Energy
A.3.2 Power and Kinetic Energy
A.3.3 Gravitational potential energy
A.3.4 Energy conservation
A.3.5 Efficiency & Sankey diagram
B. The particulate nature of matter
B.1 Thermal energy transfers
4 Topics
B.1.1 Thermal Concepts & Internal Energy
B.1.2 Measuring energy transfer
B.1.3 Thermal energy trasnfer
B.1.4 Radiation
B.2 Greenhouse effect
2 Topics
B.2.1 Radiation from real bodies
B.2.2 Energy Balance of the Earth
B.3 Gas Laws
3 Topics
B.3.1 Basic Properties of Gas
B.3.2 Ideal Gas
B.3.3 Kinetic Model for an Ideal Gas
B.5 Current and circuits
4 Topics
B.5.1 Potential Difference, Current, and Resistance
B.5.2 Voltage, Power, and Electromotive Force
B.5.3 Resistors in Electric Circuits
B.5.4 Various Resistors
C.1 Simple harmonic motion
2 Topics
C.1.1 Overview of Simple Harmonic Motion (1)
C.1.2 Overview of Simple Harmonic Motion (2)
C.2 Wave model
2 Topics
C.2.1 Travelling Waves & Graphs
C.2.2 Nature of Sound Wave and EM Wave
C.3 Wave phenomena
4 Topics
C.3.1 Reflection and Refraction (1)
C.3.2 Reflection and Refraction (2)
C.3.3 Superposition and Diffraction
C.3.4 Double slit Interference
C.4 Standing waves and resonance
3 Topics
C.4.1 Standing waves on strings
C.4.2 Standing waves in pipes
C.4.3 Resonance and Damping
C.5 Doppler effect
1 Topic
C.5.1 The Doppler Effect – Basic Understanding
D. Fields
D.1 Gravitational fields
3 Topics
D.1.1 Fields
D.1.2 Newton’s Law of Gravitation & Gravitational Field
D.1.3 Kepler’s Three Laws of Orbital Motion
D.2 Electric and magnetic fields
2 Topics
D.2.1 Electric Charge and Force
D.2.2 Electric Field
D.3 Motion in electromagnetic fields
3 Topics
D.3.1 Magnetic Force
D.3.2 Motion in a Magnetic Field
D.3.3 Motion in an Electric Field
E. Nuclear and quantum physics
E.1 Structure of the atom
2 Topics
E.1.1 Atom and Nucleus
E.1.2 Atomic Energy Level
E.3 Radioactive decay
4 Topics
E.3.1 Mass Defect and Binding Energy
E.3.2 Radioactivity
E.3.3 Radioactive Decay Law
E.3.4 Use of Radioactivity
E.4 Fission
2 Topics
E.4.1 Nuclear Fission Concept
E.4.2 Nuclear Fission Reactors
E.5 Fusion and stars
4 Topics
E.5.1 Nuclear Fusion Concept
E.5.2 Stellar Evolution 1
E.5.3 Stellar Evolution 2
E.5.4 Astronomical Measurements
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