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한국기준 토 19:30-20:00 – 김혜림 T AI
1:1 Q&A
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김혜림T – 1:1 Q&A
Math AI 맞춤형 Question Bank
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Approximation and Error
2 Topics
1.1.1 Approximation and error(1) Rounding and bound
1.1.2 Approximation and error(2) Absolute and percentage error
Loans and Annuities
1 Topic
1.2 Loans and annuities
1 Topic
1.3 Logarithms
Exponential and Logarithm(HL Only)
2 Topics
1.4.1 HL Exponential and logarithm(1) Rational exponents
1.4.2 HL Exponential and logarithm(2) Logarithmic rules and function
Complex Number
4 Topics
1.5.1 Complex number(1) Cartesian form and algebra
1.5.2 Complex number(2) Complex plane
1.5.3 Complex number(3) Polar form
1.5.4 Complex number(4) Euler’s form
Matrix(HL Only)
5 Topics
1.6.1 HL Matrix(1) Notation and algebra
1.6.2 HL Matrix(2) Multiplication
1.6.3 HL Matrix(3) Inverse matrix and simultaneous equations
1.6.4 HL Matrix(4) Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
1.6.5 HL Matrix(5) Matrix diagonalization and matrix power
2 Topics
2.1 Functions: domain and range
2.2 Graphs of functions
6 Topics
2.3.1 Modeling(1) Linear modeling
2.3.2 Modeling(2) Quadratic modeling
2.3.3 Modeling(3) Cubic modeling
2.3.4 Modeling(4) Exponential modeling
2.3.5 Modeling(5) Periodic modeling
2.3.6 Modeling(6) Direct and inverse variation
Transformation of Graphs
1 Topic
2.4 Transformation of graphs
Modeling: Logistic Modeling(HL Only)
1 Topic
2.5.1 HL Modeling: logistic modeling
Log Scale(HL Only)
1 Topic
2.6 HL log scale
Voronoi Diagram
3 Topics
3.1.1 Voronoi diagram(1)
3.1.2 Voronoi diagram(2)
3.1.3 Voronoi diagram(3)
Affine Transformation
2 Topics
3.2.1 HL Affine transformation(1)
3.2.2 HL Affine transformation(2)
Vectors(HL Only)
5 Topics
3.3.1 HL Vectors(1) Notation
3.3.2 HL Vectors(2) Algebra
3.3.3 HL Vectors(3) Vectors in space
3.3.4 HL Vectors(4) Scalar product of vectors
3.3.5 HL Vectors(5) Vector product of vectors
Vector Equations(HL Only)
3 Topics
3.4.1 HL Vector equations(1) Intro
3.4.2 HL Vector equations(2) Angle, shortest distance and intersection
3.4.3 HL Vector equations(3) Vector kinematics with constant velocity
Graph Theory(HL Only)
2 Topics
3.5.1 HL Graph theory(1) Intro, adjacency matrix and transition matrix
3.5.2 HL Graph theory(2) Minimum spanning tree, Chinese postman problem and Traveling salesman problem
Bivariate Statistics
3 Topics
4.1.1 Bivariate statistics(1) Pearson’s correlation coefficient
4.1.2 Bivariate statistics(2) Linear regression
4.1.3 Bivariate statistics(3) Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
Discrete Random Variables
3 Topics
4.2.1 Discrete random variables(1) Probability distribution
4.2.2 Discrete random variables(2) Expectation, variance and standard
4.2.3 Discrete random variables(3) Binomial distribution
Normal Distribution
3 Topics
4.3.1 Normal distribution(1)
4.3.2 Normal distribution(2) Inverse normal distribution
4.3.3 Normal distribution(3) The z-transformation
Hypothesis Testing
5 Topics
4.4.1 Hypothesis testing(1) Null and alternative hypothesis
4.4.2 Hypothesis testing(2) t-tests
4.4.3 Hypothesis testing(3) Two sample t-test
4.4.4 Hypothesis testing(4) Chi-squared goodness of fit test
4.4.5 Hypothesis testing(5) Chi-squared test for independence
Reliability and Validity(HL Only)
1 Topic
4.5 HL Reliability and validity
Non Linear Regression(HL Only)
1 Topic
4.6 HL Non linear regression
Random Variables(HL Only)
2 Topics
4.7.1 HL Random variables(1) Linear combination of random variables
4.7.2 HL Random variables(2) Unbiased estimator
Central Limit Theorem(HL Only)
2 Topics
4.8.1 HL Central limit theorem(1)
4.8.2 HL Central limit theorem(2) Confidence interval
Poisson Distribution, Tests for Poisson and Bionomial Distribution(HL Only)
1 Topic
4.9 HL Poisson distribution, tests for Poisson and Binomial distribution
2 Topics
5.1.1 Differentiation(1) Rates of change, limits
5.1.2 Differentiation(2) Derivative function
Properties of Curves
3 Topics
5.2.1 Properties of curves(1) Tangents and normals
5.2.2 Properties of curves(2) Increasing and decreasing intervals
5.2.3 Properties of curves(3) Stationary points
Differentiation Application
2 Topics
5.3.1 Differentiation application(1) Rates of change
5.3.2 Differentiation application(2) Optimization
3 Topics
5.4.1 Integration(1) Riemann integral and fundamental theorem of calculus
5.4.2 Integration(2) Anti differentiation and indefinite integral
5.4.3 Integration(3) Area under the curve
The Trapezoidal Rule
1 Topic
5.5 The trapezoidal rule
Further Differentiation(HL Only)
2 Topics
5.6.1 HL Further differentiation(1) The chain rule, product rule and quotient rule
5.6.2 HL Further differentiation(2) Derivatives of other functions
Further Integration(HL Only)
2 Topics
5.7.1 HL Further integration(1) Integration by substitution
5.7.2 HL Further integration(2) Area and volume
Kinematics(HL Only)
1 Topic
5.8 HL Kinematics
Differential Equation(HL Only)
1 Topic
5.9 HL Differential equation
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Approximation and Error
Approximation and Error
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1.1.1 Approximation and error(1) Rounding and bound
1.1.2 Approximation and error(2) Absolute and percentage error
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